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Please join us in sending relief funds which will go directly and totally to the Polish Dominican Province, whose friars are collecting food, medical supplies, clothes, bedding, etc. and distributing them to refugees in their country as well as to those still in Ukraine wherever possible.


Please join us in sending relief funds which will go directly and totally to the Polish Dominican Province, whose friars are collecting food, medical supplies, clothes, bedding, etc. and distributing them to refugees in their country as well as to those still in Ukraine wherever possible.

Fr. Mark Francis Manzano, O.P.







“One fond memory of mine is listening to a sermon about the saints on a bright Sunday morning. In our church, high above the pews, were several stained glass windows depicting various saints—Francis of Assisi, Thérèse of Lisieux, Anthony of Padua, and others, holy men and women who served the Lord and the Church in both heroic and hidden ways. While listening to the sermon, I watched the sunlight passing through, illuminating the windows and casting light into the church. And when the priest proclaimed, ‘A saint is someone whom the Son shines through,’ I knew then that I wanted to spend my life serving God and His people as the saints have done. Those words have stayed with me and I have endeavored to be a ‘saint’ through whom the Son shines ever since.”


Born and raised in southern California, Fr. Mark Francis Manzano, O.P. attended public school and had never met any religious until 2002 when he went to a religious education congress. He had read a biography of St. Francis of Assisi, becoming fascinated with how he lived the Gospel in a radical but genuine way, inspiring others to do the same. But, he said, “Little did I know that I would be wearing a habit a year and a half later.” When Father first considered entering religious life, he naturally looked into joining the Franciscans, who were always on the front lines of social justice issues and had a history of serving the poor and the forgotten; and then the Benedictines, whose monastic life and sung choral office were attractive to him. At the end of a year's discernment, however, he chose the Dominicans who, he perceived, have a healthy balance of both the active and the contemplative life, as depicted in a saying they have about themselves: One foot in the monastery, one foot in the world. 


Father Mark Francis was then ordained a Dominican in 2011, proclaiming with joy, “I feel I can best serve the Lord, the Church, and His people with these men who have made it their mission for the last 800 years to praise, to bless, and to preach.”  He embarked on his priestly journey as a missionary in Mexicali. He then served in Anchorage as Parochial Vicar at Holy Family Cathedral and as chaplain and teacher at Holy Family Academy, followed by a stint as Associate Director of the University of Washington Newman Center in Seattle


In 2022, Father answered the call of the Order’s Master General to volunteer one’s services in Puerto Rico, a U.S. commonwealth constantly wracked by poverty and disease, exascerbated by devastating earthquakes, tornados, and flooding. His primary ministry is Vocations Director, with the goal of inspiring and inviting the next generation of native Puerto Ricans to join the Dominican Order. Currently, there are just fourteen Dominican friars on the whole island of about three million, so the job facing him is in need of some serious prayer and support!


In his ‘free time,’ Fr. Mark Francis enjoys playing piano, singing, strategy games, cards, and just about all things Star Trek.




Please join us in sending relief funds which will go directly and totally to the Polish Dominican Province, whose friars are collecting food, medical supplies, clothes, bedding, etc. and distributing them to refugees in their country as well as to those still in Ukraine wherever possible.

     San Francisco, California

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